After listening to all the different variants of “What exactly does an editor do ?” and “What do you do as an editor ?”, Nandini and I thought we’d break the mystery around the topic and allow you to get to know us and what we do, a little better.
To get some boring stuff out of the way, both of us are third year undergraduates. I’m Rohit, from the department of Physics and Nandini is from the department of Chemistry.
What you should probably know is that Nandini is the interesting one. She was a part of the organising committee of the Inter-IIT sports meet last year, which was a HUGE success, while also simultaneously training for the Inter-IIT Badminton tournament. (Sports and Yours Truly don’t get along very well).
She claims that I’m the smart one because I’m a pro at debating (I know quite a few people who would heartily disagree). That’s a rabbit hole we’d rather not go down, trust me. But when I’m not disturbing the public peace in the maggu room, I usually annoy friends into getting cheese paratha at HJB or have my nose buried in a book. (Of late, it has been Dostoevsky or Camus).
In the interest of not giving any of the freshers (and myself) impostor syndrome, I think it’s best if we skirt by Nandini’s other numerous involvements on campus. I take the same approach for myself as well, but that’s more about not giving me an existential crisis as to what I’m doing with my life.
But I digress. What does an editor do ? Maybe a more pertinent question is, what is an editor supposed to do ? Nandini and I both think that communication is a two-way link and is of the utmost importance. Not just between the student community and the administration, but also amongst ourselves. And it can be all too easy to forget that we’re people who have opinions and feelings when we’re bogged down under a ton of assignments and tests.
Which is why we think that facilitating greater communication and engagement within the student community must be at the cornerstone of the office of the editor. And with that, we can segue into our what we have coming next!
We’re certain that all of you got upto some interesting hobby or the other during the lockdown and some of the literary enthusiasts amongst you may have also engaged with the written word. We want to hear all about it! I did promise Nandini I wasn’t going to reveal too much here with just this post, so all I’ll tell you is that there’s going to be a writing contest (of sorts) and all of you are more than welcome to turn in your entries, whether they’re pieces you penned down during the lockdown or if it’s something more recent you wrote to to break the monotony of online classes.
And this will be a nostalgic look back at The Year that Wasn’t, hopefully when we all go back to campus in the coming months (We will go back, right ? Right ?) As a parting note, for what it’s worth, we’ll ask you to not get too stressed out and look forward to the reopening of campus! Stay tuned for further updates we have from our end!